Book: Bunny Slopes by Claudia Rueda

Theme Song:
See the little bunnies sleeping ’til its early noon
Come and let us gently wake them with a merry tune
Why so still
Are they ill
Wake up soon
Hop little bunnies hop hop hop! Hop little bunnies hop hop hop!
Hop little bunnies hop hop hop! Hop little bunnies hop hop hop!
Puppet time: Pets, hugs and “feeding” time with bunny puppet Carrots!
Activity time: With this class I always do an activity at the end of our story time. Sometimes it’s artistic, sometimes science-y, whatever fun I can think up that has to do with our theme of the day! For this activity we played with instant snow. We talked about how the snow feels before and after we add water. We touched it and smelled it, added food coloring to mix up different colors, and the kids were very entertained when they learned that we were really playing with the stuff that goes inside diapers! Here is the “recipe” we used.
Snow Activity:
1 lb bucket instant snow (purchased for $20 from Lakeshore, one bucket makes GALLONS so you can use it for many activities))
Food coloring
Put snow in bowl, add water, then food coloring. Super easy and lots of fun!